Sunday, July 16, 2017

Syracuse's Fill in the Blank War Memorial


The push is on to sell the naming rights for Syracuse, New York's, Onondaga County War Memorial. Is anyone fooled by this effort of politicians lobbying for private sponsorship of an honored public arena?

More than sixty-six years ago, the War Memorial was built and named to honor those who came before us - those who made the ultimate sacrifice to defend our freedoms. Selling naming rights won't add value. Selling naming rights is nothing more than crass commercialization of a hallowed place. And in a world where cronyism is an art form, selling naming rights will mostly benefit friends of politicians looking for a sweetheart deal. And what's their rationale? We should not be surprised that politicians say, “more money is needed” to fix the problems. But that is a worn-out mantra.

A story in  says the new name will be "(Fill in the Blank Arena) at War Memorial." Other cities have adopted a similar approach. But that is dishonored group-think at its worst. The story also claims unnamed veterans' groups have been kept in the loop as this process has unfolded. What veterans' groups have been kept in the loop?  The War Memorial is dedicated to veterans of World War One and World War Two. Sadly, their voices have mostly faded and cannot be polled anymore.

The Onondaga County War Memorial was completed in 1951. It is on the National Register of Historic Places. This whole notion of naming rights doesn’t pass the smell test. If somebody wants to put their name up there alongside this honored veterans' memorial, they should earn the right to do it, not buy the right to do it.

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